キャリア30年以上を誇り、日本のテクノ・シーン黎明期から第一線で活躍するレジェンドが、ついに初オリジナル作をリリース。深遠なビートにディレイを重ねて幽玄を展開する“Junk Sword”や、静寂に揺らめくシンセが高みへと昇り詰める“Undercover Of Detroit Darkness”など、アンビエント~デトロイト色強めの流麗なメロディーと突き抜ける疾走感にトリップする快作。どこまでも広がる瑞々しいリズムが気持ち良すぎ!


[English Translation]
The legendary DJ who has been active in the front line of Japanese techno scene since its infancy and who proudly has a career of more than 30 years, has finally released his first original album. This great album makes you trip out with its Ambient-to-Detroit techno-charged sleek melodies and sprinting feel, as in "Junk Sword" that offers a grace and subtlety created by overlapping delays on profound beats or "Undercover Of Detroit Darkness" in which the synth sound flickering in silence comes to its highest fulfillment. The endlessly expanding refreshing rhythm is almost too pleasant!