10周年の節目となった前作から自身のレーベルを拠点に活動する琉球ツインズの2年半ぶりとなるアルバム。イントロを抜けると、数多のEDMナンバーを凌ぐアッパーでトランシーなゴーヤ・アンセム“Go Yeah!!”を皮切りに、エレクトロベース・ミュージックチップ・チューンなどヴァラエティー豊かな楽曲が押し寄せ、琉球音階とシンセが抜群の相性を見せる“Ayond the Island”まで〈阿吽〉の呼吸で一気に聴かせます。

[English Translation]

The twins from Ryukyu (another name for Okinawa) who have mainly worked for their own label since the last piece marking their 10th anniversary are releasing a new album for the first time in two and a half years. After going through the intro, various types of tracks such as electro, bass music, chiptune would surge toward you, starting from an upper and trance-ish gōyā (balsam apple, a specialty of Okinawa) anthem“Go Yeah!!” that easily outperforms numerous EDM tunes, to “Ayond the Island” which shows the perfect balance between the Ryukyu scale (Okinawan pentatonic scale without D and A) and tones of synthesizer, making you listen to the whole album throughout in perfect attunement a.k.a. Japanese proverb [AUN] breathing.