人気キャラクターのすーぱーそに子率いる二次元系(?)ガールズ・バンドのミニ・アルバムが2枚同時に登場。『RAINBOW』はシンセを多用した虹のように色彩豊かなバンド・サウンド、もう一方の『MOONLIGHT』はSwinging Popsicleの平田博信がプロデュースした瑞々しいギター・ポップが中心となっており、どちらもそに子のスウィートなハーモニーが映える胸キュンな仕上がりだ。見た目で敬遠するのはもったいない!
[English Translation]
Daiichi Uchuu Sokudo’s Rainbow / Moonlight
Simultaneous release of two mini-albums by the two-dimensional three-piece girls band led by fictional female character Super Sonico, originally created as the mascot for Japanese PC games company, Nitroplus. Rainbow is indeed a rainbow-colored band-sound collection of synthesizer-laden tracks, while Moonlight consists mainly of juicy guitar pop tunes produced by Hironobu Hirata of Japanese indie / shoegazer pop band Swinging Popsicle, and Sonico's sweet harmonies shines in both works, making the two a perfect heart-twinge combo. Giving a cold shoulder just by the looks of them is so ‘mottainai’!