サカナクションらが切り拓いたダンス・ロックの系譜を受け継ぎ、更新しようと目論む大阪発の5人組。あくまで生のバンド・サウンドを土台に、どの曲もドラマティックに展開するのが持ち味で、ハードなドラミングによるヴァースと、4つ打ちとシンセによって一気に開けるコーラスとの対比が鮮やかな表題曲はその象徴と言える。バンド名通りのスケール感や、フック満載のメロディーも含め、avengers in sci-fiの対抗馬か。


[English Translation]
uchuu, (meaning The cosmos) "HAPPY"

Inheriting and renovating the lineage of dance rock from Sanakaction and other front-runners, uchuu, is an ambitious group of five from Osaka.  uchuu,'s musical foundation is definitely their live band performances and a style that unfold every song dramatically.  The lead track "HAPPY", represents their style of verses created by strong four-on-the-floor drums and synthesizer which opens up the chorus with a vivid contrast.  Majestic scale of their music does their name cosmos, justice. Loaded with hooks in melodies, uchuu, could be the adversary to avengers in sci-fi, the Japanese rock band with multi-genre sound.