2000年代サウスのぬかるみが洗っても落ちないチンピラ好きにとってはもう殿堂入りクラスの名前に違いないヨー・ゴッティだが、このメジャー3枚目では初のR&Bチャート首位(総合でも4位)を強奪し、またもキャリアハイを更新してきた。初のアルバムとされるカセットテープ『Youngsta’s On A Come Up』(96年)を15歳で出してから20年。幼少期の自身と思しき写真をあしらったジャケもそんな振り返りへの意識を窺わせるし、そうでなくても同郷のK・ミシェルを迎えて地元メンフィスに思いを寄せたブルージーな“My City”やマーシャ・アンブロージアス使いのソウルフルな“Momma”あたりにはグッと引き込まれるに違いない。かといって全体がスロウバックなノリというわけではなく、前作『I Am』からの“Act Right”を凌ぐヒットとなった軽薄チューン“Down In The DM”はやはり強力だし、ティンバランド流トラップの“Smile”やE-40とのドープなメカニカル・バウンス“Law”などを配した全体の匙加減も良し。毎度の好盤。

[English Translation]
Yo Gotti, a kind of Hall of Fame to those who are into gangsta bearing an indelible stain of 2000’s Dirty South, wrested the top spot on the R&B Albums chart for the first time with this 3rd major-label album (and also went to #4 on the Comprehensive chart,) reaching another new record high in his career. Twenty years have passed since he released his first album Youngsta’s On A Come Up (1996) in cassette tape format at the age of 15. Such a retrospective perspective can be found on the album cover with a photo of presumably himself as a child. In addition, you would surely be fascinated by the bluesy track about his hometown Memphis “My City” featuring his compatriot K. Michelle as well as the soulful “Momma” featuring Marsha Ambrosius. That said, the album is not just a throwback to those days. It also includes the frivolous “Down In The DM,” an intense track that became a bigger hit than “Act Right” from the last album I Am, “Smile” with Timbaland-inspired trap, and the dope, mechanical bounce track “Law” featuring E-40, making it a pretty well-balanced album. Another great album from him.