Magic, Drums & Love  "Love De Lux"

Magic, Drums & Love
, a newly formed 5 piece project mainly by members of Japanese rock band Jusho Futei Mushoku, drop their full-length debut album. Following the interest in soul suggested in Jusho's 2013 "GOLD FUTURE BASIC," the album is a more forthright take on it. It seems full of the band's determination to win an achievement simply with sweet melodies and groove. As such, the result is a straightforward pop piece. It pays ear-catching homage to classics by the likes of Al Kooper and Earth, Wind & Fire, but that shouldn't be considered so much a mania for flirting with old gems as a gesture of aspiration and love for the music. That said, another charm is that the album maintains a catchy, casual quality that you can enjoy as accessible J-pop, and so blissful are the interactive men & women duets on the rolling horn section of "Magic of Love" and the gorgeous Philly-style strings of "Kiss Kiss." It totally makes sense that the band name and the album title are both aptly unpretentious. This is a masterpiece of soul pop that sounds relevant in 2016.