菊地成孔のTABOO第1弾作品でもある本プロジェクトでの4年ぶりの新作は、表題通り戦前と戦後(現代)の楽曲を並べた菊地自身のヴォーカル・アルバムに。DCPRGの近作やJAZZ DOMMUNISTERS以降の気風は、薬師丸ひろ子からフランク・オーシャンに至る選曲や、林正子のソプラノからOMSBとDyyPRIDEのラップまで織り込む混淆ぶりにもあきらか。山師っぽい洗練とグロテスクな官能美に酔わされる、極めてポップな好盤だ。

[English Translation]
First release in 4 years from this project and the very first from his self-owned label Taboo, Naruyoshi Kikuchi presents his own vocal album with a careful selection of ‘prewar’ and ‘postwar’ (modern) tracks, as the title well indicates. His post-DCPRG or post-Jazz Dommunisters tone is abound with chaotic hybridization, seen in his broad-ranged selection of songs by former-80s-film-idol & today-first-class actress Hiroko Yakushimaru or singer-songwriting rapper Frank Ocean, adding in sopranos of Japanese singer Masako Hayashi or rap verses by Japanese hip hop MCs OMSB and DyyPRIDE from Simi Lab. The album is heavily intoxicating with its charlatan-like sophistication and grotesque sensuality, - in a way, a fabulously ‘pop’ listen.


DCPRGやJAZZ DOMMUNISTERSでみずからマイクを握り、ラップ表現も意欲的に取り込んできた菊地成孔。で、本作に収録された“I.C.I.C.”ではJAZZ DOMMUNISTERSの“XXL”でSIMI LABのMARIAとも絡んでいた謎の女性ラッパー(という設定)ICIを召喚。菊地自身のムーディーなフロウに拙い語り口の女声が機能した、愛すべき逸曲です。

[English Translation]
Naruyoshi Kikuchi himself has been actively engaged in rapping when performing in DCPRG and JAZZDOMMUNISTERS, actually holding the microphone in his own hand. On the track “I.C.I.C.” of this album, Kikuchi invites the (imaginary) ‘secret’ female rapper, also known to be rapping along with Maria from Simi Lab on the song “XXL” by Jazz Dommunisters. An excellent masterpiece where Kikuchi's genderless voice combined with the moody flows and awkward weakfish narrative is proven to be fully functional.