聴く者すべてをファンキーに踊らせつつ、現実をシニカルに暴き出す彼ららしいアッパーな楽曲はもちろん、女性コーラスをフィーチャーしたメロウな“in my room”などミディアムなトラックも含めてバンドの音楽性がより研ぎ澄まされた4作目。特に、明るいタイトルとは裏腹に、ディープに内省する“スマイル”のリリック――〈死にたい女の子の嘘みたいなブログより/生きたいという気持ちのほうが残酷だ〉には、マジで脱帽。
[English Translation]
Sukippara ni Sake “Ai to Tetsugaku (meaning Love and Philosophy)”
Sukippara ni Sake’s fourth release showcases their well-honed musicality with upbeat tunes that make everybody who listens dance funky, but yet cynically exposes the reality, as well as medium-tempo songs that feature female backing vocals, such as the mellow “in my room”. Hats off to the deep and introspective lyrics of “Smile”, [The will to live is more cruel than a fake blog of a girl who says she wants to die], which are contrary to the positive-sounding song title.
apple of my eye