浅草を拠点に活動するDJの初作。カリンバやディジュリドゥなどの民族楽器が紡ぐ旋律と、パーカッシヴなビートにエフェクト処理を施したスモーキーで妖艶なサウンドは、その揺らめき具合が何とも中毒的。冒頭の“Pooco Paako”を筆頭に、骨太なブレイクビーツで攻める前半から、中盤~後半は多幸感抜群なチルアウト~アンビエントへとじわじわとシフトしていく。ノンビートで締めるラストも含め、この構成力にも痺れます!
[English Translation]
Tokyo’s famous old town, Asakusa-based rising DJ nobby’s 1st release. Featuring traditional folk instruments (Kalimba, Didgeridoo etc.), the enfolded melodies and sound-effected percussive beats-packed smoky and fascinating sound shimmers charmingly and is indefinably addictive. As the opening track “Pooco Paako” signifies, the first half mostly conveys sturdy breakbeats which gradually moves on to a highly euphoric chillout~ambient tone in the middle toward the latter half. Inclusive of the non-beat ending track that calmly closes the album, his wholly brilliant formation scheme just carries you away!

【参考音源】nobby“akai Mpc60 - 3”