2016年夏をもっての活動休止を発表したばかりの彼らだが、この通算11作目でもいつも通りの全曲一発録音を貫き、その前のめりな姿勢には一切のブレを感じさせない。猪突猛進系のファンク“Stomp”や情熱的に迫るラテン・ジャズ“Descarga”“Cafe Habana”など、タイトかつ自在に変化するグルーヴを全編に行き渡らせつつ、切ないスロウ・ワルツ“Memories”で締める構成も見事。結成10周年の結束力を示した力作だ。

[English Translation]
The highly regarded 4-piece instrumental band, indigo jam unit has just released the newest album, right after the latest shocking `going-on-hiatus-this-summer’ announcement. By their signature one-shot recording on all tracks as usual, the always-facing-forward approach remains firmly intact on this 11th full-length album. Featuring the recklessly wild funk “Stomp” or passionate Latin jazz tunes “Descarga” and “Cafe Habana”, the piece delivers absolutely tight yet kaleidoscopically and freely ever-changing groove all over, while, as the end track “Memories”, the mellow slow waltz proves, the fantastically strategic track order will just simply wow us. Clearly demonstrating the strong bond built over the past 10 years since its formation, a really forceful masterwork has emerged right here.