〈エクストリーム・ミュージック〉とみずから謳う5人組の3枚目のミニ・アルバム。デスコアを軸にシアトリカルかつシンフォニックなムードを纏い、時空をねじ曲げるような嵐の如き曲展開が痛快だ。“Malice against”の変態的な超絶ギター・ソロ、“NG+”の宙を舞うホーンの音色など仕掛けも盛りだくさん。既存の枠組をぶっ壊し、V系とラウド・ロック好きを飲み込んだ妖艶なマッチョぶりにシビれる。文句ナシのカッコ良さ。

[English Translation]
A third mini-album from a fivesome who advocates their art to be categorized as [extreme music]. Centred on deathcore sounds, the space-time twisting, hurtling wild development of tracks costumed in theatrical and symphonic moods actually comes out pretty sweet. The abnormal, almost-unworldly guitar solo in “Malice against” or the  floaty timbre of the horn in “NG+” serves as the few out of the plentiful sonic gimmicks they have thrown in to the album. This is one entirely undisputable piece of art in which shiver-sending amorous machoness completely destroys conventional frameworks and gets at both V-kei (visual-kei) and loud-rock lovers.