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BABYMETAL が先月リージェンシー・ボールルームで行ったライヴは、チケットが即完売し、ダフ屋によって約3万円で売られていた。Perfumeは8月28日に2,300人を収容可能なサンフランシスコのウォーフィールド・シアターでライヴを行う予定。さらに今後は、コーネリアス※、少年ナイフ(今年は結成35年目のうえ、これまでにない動員に喜んでいる)、ももいろクローバーZ(2016年11月にUSの3都市を回る)のライヴも控えている。
※USでの『Fantasma』アナログ盤リリースに伴う今回のツアーには、バック・バンドのメンバーとしてBuffalo Daughterの大野由美子が参加
そして、WORLD ORDERのパフォーマンスも好評だった。彼らの風変わりなシンクロ度の高いダンス・パフォーマンスはクレイジーで楽しく、そのミュージック・ビデオはネットで話題になっていた。“MACHINE CIVILIZATION”のMVは、すでにYouTubeでの再生回数が900万回以上に達しており、コメントのほとんどは英語で書き込まれている。音楽はクラフトワークをもっとポップにしたような感じだが、MVがあまりにも目を見張るもののため、音楽性は見過ごされがちだ。これまでにも世界各国でパフォーマンスを披露し、TVCMにも出演している。
続いて、日本のTVではお馴染み、ドラァグクイーンのミッツ・マングローブを特別ゲストに迎えた〈J-POPクイーン・ドラァグ・コンテスト〉が行われた。彼女のパフォーマンスはとてもエレガントで、チャーミングで、日本らしさがある。地元サンフランシスコのドラァグクイーンたちは、より卑猥で喜劇的だった。MCたちはドラァグクイーンのショウが観られる人気ゲイ・バー/キャバレー〈Oasis〉(298 Eleventh Street, SF)から出張してきていた。他のパフォーマーは、セーラームーンやピカチュウ、らんま1/2など、アニメに関連したステージを披露し、会場を大いに楽しませた。
他にも多数のアーティストがパフォーマンスを披露。女性歌手2人組のYANAKIKU は、モロ外国人向けに考案された可愛くてゴテゴテに飾り立てたステージを披露し、焼酎いいちこのプロモーションも行っていた。東京パフォーマンスドールはまったくもってありきたりのものだが非常に好感が持てるダンス・グループで、NHKのキャラクター〈どーもくん〉とタイアップしていた。また、メンバー全員が読者モデルのガールズ・バンド、Silent Sirenのライヴも上々だった。海外でのライヴを重ねながら、海外のファンを増やしているようだ。
会場の外では、いろんな種類の日本食が楽しめるフード・コートが展開された。ここ数年でもっとも人気が高いのが、ラーメン。サンフランシスコのベイエリア、NY、東京からラーメン屋が出店し、いずれも盛況だった。サンフランシスコや他の多くの都市ではフード・トラックが流行中だ。つまり、特定の料理を売る移動式レストランのようなものである。サンフランシスコ近辺で日本風カレー、とんかつ、からあげを販売して人気を集めるJapaCurryが出店していた。あまり伝統的ではないが、〈寿司ウィッチ〉を販売するブースもあった。そう、サンドイッチの形になった寿司というフードだ。実はベイエリアでは、寿司をアレンジするアイデアがかなり人気になりつつある。トルティーヤ(メキシコ料理のブリトーに使われる薄焼きパン)で巻いた巨大太巻きなどをテイクアウトで販売しているSushirittoには、連日行列が出来ている。2011年にサンフランシスコに初出店した同店は、現在では5店舗を展開するチェーンにまで成長。同店の大成功にインスパイアされ、Sumo Roll、Sushi Secrets、Torpedo Sushiなど数々のフード・トラックをはじめとるする店が、似たようなコンセプトで開店するに至っている。
Keith Cahoon attends the 8th annual J-POP Summit held in San Francisco
Read more about the fun, intoxicating and tasty event that's 'finally getting it right'
Kimokawaii, lively music, kooky creatures, mysterious toilets, drag queens, sushi sandwiches and lots of sake. San Francisco recently hosted the eighth annual J-Pop Summit, which finally seems to have got it right. After a years of missteps, flops, misses, and mistakes, things this year jelled, with the event drawing a substantial crowd, and seeming to make attendees and sponsors happy.
Leading the way was a concert by reigning pop queen Kyary Pamyu Pamyu. While some might argue that AKB 48 or Exile are bigger stars, KPP is very major, and appeals to Americans much more than the formerly mentioned. KPP’s show was at the Regency Theater, and drew a near full house to the 2,325 capacity venue. KPP gets no radio airplay, and does not appear on TV, but her music videos and wild fashion sense have made her popular amongst Japan otaku types and beyond.
In fact, Japanese music recently seems to have had something of a break thru into the American market. Last month Babymetal’s show at the Regency quickly sold out and tickets were commanding near 30,000 yen from scalpers. Perfume are playing the 2300 capacity Warfield Theatre in San Francisco in August 28. Also coming soon are Cornelius*, Shonen Knife (in their 35th year enjoying their biggest ever success) and Momoiro Clover (three shows in America this November).
* Cornelius is playing “Fantasma” tour across America in support of the reissue of the album, with Buffalo Daughter’s Yumiko Ohno as part of his band
At the convention (this year was held at Fort Mason), Suiyoubi no Campanella, who used the name Wednesday Campanella, made a very positive impression. Clearly many people were already familiar with their music from their clever videos. For me, they were reminiscent me of a younger Sheena Ringo, not because their music sounds similar, but because it is striking, unique, very creative musically, and has their own strong vision about what they are doing. The group is officially three people, but most perceive the main performer KOM_I, as Wednesday. She did a sign-kai the day after her performance, and over a hundred people lined up to get autographs and take photos, which she handled it well. Japan has many “cookie cutter” artists, but Wednesday Campanella is something different, cool and unique, and I suspect more and more foreigners will discover her/ them.
Also well received were World Order. Their bizarre highly synchronized dance/ performance art is so nutty and fun, that it has made their videos an internet sensation. Their video for “Machine Civilization” has over 9 million views on YouTube, and most of the comments are in English. Their music is something like a more pop version of Kraftwerk, but tends to get overlooked since their videos are so spectacular. They have a appeared in numerous countries around the world, as well as in TV CM. At J-Pop Summit World Order drew a large and enthusiastic crowd. They also did a live interview on stage, and some members spoke English well enough to handle audience questions.
They have a appeared in numerous countries around the world, as well as in TV CM. At J-Pop Summit World Order drew a large and enthusiastic crowd. They also did a live interview on stage, and some members spoke English well enough to handle audience questions.
Following World Order was a “J-Pop Queen” drag show contest, featuring special guest Japanese drag queen Mitz Mangrove, who often appears on Japanese TV. Her performance was very elegant, charming and Japanese. The drag queens from San Francisco were more on the raunchy and comic side. The MC’s were from the popular tranny bar/ drag show bar/ cabaret Oasis (298 Eleventh Street, SF). Other performers did bits related to anime, including bits as Sailor Moon, Pikachu and Ranma. Very fun.
A number of other performers also appeared. The duo Yanakiku, who did a well thought out, cute and kitschy show that was squarely aimed at foreigners, and also served in part as a promotion for the drink Iichiko, Tokyo Performance Doll are a totally predictable but very likable dance team, who did a tie-up with NHK and their character Domo. The all female models/ musicians pop rock band Silent Siren performed well, and seem to be developing an overseas audience with their numerous overseas shows.
The promo booths were often quite entertaining. Perhaps the biggest hit was the area promoting Toto’s washlet. Americans are fascinated with Japanese toilets, they seem so scientific and advanced, there are so many buttons, nobody can figure out what they all do. There have been a number of US TV comedies that have had episodes involving Japanese toilets. At the Toto booth event attendees could pose with a picture showing a splash of water strategically aimed at their bottom, and as an option, hold a fan with a picture of a cute pile of poop. It was a big hit. Mazda’s booth featured a tie-up with the video game Gran Turismo, which also went over well.
Outside the venue there was a food court serving many types of Japanese food. As in years past, the most popular food was ramen. Ramen shops from the SF Bay Area, NY and Tokyo sold their ramen, all seemed to do good business. In San Francisco, and many other US cities, there is an ongoing boom of food trucks, which is to say mobile restaurants that usually specialize in a certain type of food. Present at this event, and popular around SF, was JapaCurry, who sells Japanese style curry, tonkatsu and karaage. There was also the not-so-traditional, a booth selling “Sushiwich.” Yes, it is sushi made into a sandwich form. Actually this general idea has become quite popular in the Bay Area. A shop called Sushiritto, which sells a take-away item like a giant sushi roll wrapped in a tortilla (a Mexican flat bread used in making burritos) has customers lining up every day. Since launching in San Francisco in 2011, they have grown into a five store chain. They are so successful, in fact, that they have inspired numerous other shops to launch similar concepts including Sumo Roll, Sushi Secrets, Torpedo Sushi, and a number of food trucks.
Also doing brisk business were the Sapporo Beer booth, and the sake sampling area, which allowed visitors to sample sake from a number of different makers. There was quite a variety, including sake from Takara, who has a brewing facility in nearby Berkeley, and Gekkeikan, who brew about two hours away in Folsom, California. Americans are still learning about sake, but those sampling seemed to enjoy very much.
Congratulations J-Pop Summit for putting on a fun, interesting, educational, intoxicating and tasty event.