ますます増大するサウンドの情報量に圧倒される8作目。“Born Slippy”のカヴァーアフロ・パーカッションを轟かせ、“ナノ・セカンド”“Ø choir”ではEDMもさりげなく採用。ジャジー・ヒップホップ調の“ENOUGH-1”や、ブラスフラメンコ・ギターを交えて派手にエディットしたインスト“別世界”など、今回も何でもアリ。より過剰な言葉数でシニシズムと熱情をまくしたてる詞も含め、実に痛快!

[English Translation]
With more additional musical layers than ever before, the 8th release from the leading rock band proves themselves again as an overwhelmingly informative sound creator. The album delivers powerful tunes such as Underworld's cover "Born Slippy" with lively Afro-percussion or "Nano Second" and "φ choir" discreetly seasoned with EDM, jazzy hip hop-ish "ENOUGH-1", or gorgeously edited instrumental track with brass instrument and flamenco guitar "Betsu Sekai (meaning Another World)" and so on. Featuring overflowing lyrics with strong cynicism and passion, a truly mind-blowing masterpiece!