今年で結成10周年ながら、気負いとは無縁の通常運行が彼ららしい7作目。とはいえ直球なタイトルが示す通り、ファミコン世代にストライクなピコピコ成分はいつもよりやや増しで、レトロ・ゲーム好きなら思わず反応してしまう“65535より愛を込めて”なんて楽曲も。東京少年“Shy Shy Japanese”のカヴァーが思いのほかハマってたり、テクノ・ボーイの憂鬱を吹き飛ばすハピコア風味もあったりと、熟練の技が光る全8曲。

[English Translation]
Even though this year celebrates the 10th year as a band, techno pop unit FLOPPY are just so themselves, free from any kind of self-imposed pressure, just doing things in their normal way even in this 7th release. Still, as the pretty straightforward title indicates, the bleepiness that is a right-on-the-mark appeal to the Nintendo generation seems to have been mildly increased, hence the inclusion of the track "65535 yori Ai wo Komete (meaning From 65535 With Love)" (the number '65535' well known in the computing field as 'the highest number which can be represented by an unsigned 16 bit binary number'), bound to be a great hook for retro games fans. A total lineup of 8 tracks made from brilliantly accomplished mastership, including the cover of 80s pop rock band Tokyo Shonen's "Shy Shy" that actually came out surprisingly fitting, or happy hardcore flavoured tracks that would blow away 'the melancholy of the techno boy'.

【参考動画】FLOPPYの2009年作『Deus ex machina』収録曲 “everything”