最高! 2007年のセルフ・タイトル作が一部で絶大な評価を得ていた、らゆう(プロデューサー/MC)とROW(ヴォーカル)のデュオが長い雌伏を経て2作目をリリース。かのL.L BROTHERSにも通じる濃密なスムースネスと余裕を全編に漂わせ、流麗なフロウと地続きなメロディーメイクの作法をジェントルに響かせてくる。マーク・モリソンっぽい“After Party 2”やバウンシーなスロウ“Izonit”など極上の楽曲が満載。モノが違う!

[English Translation]
Hooray!  This duo of Ra-U (producer/MC) and ROW (vocal), whose self-titled work was highly valued among some listeners, released the second work after a long obscurity.  The rich smoothness and relaxed mood on the whole even reminds us of LL BROTHERS.  The way they make melodies, adjacent to fluent flows, echoes gently.  Including "After Party 2" sounding like Mark Morrison and a bouncy slow track "Izonit," this piece is full of the finest tunes.  Absolutely incomparable!