「TOKYO TRIBE」主演で役者デビューしたYOUNG DAISを筆頭に話題をバラまいてきたものの、オリジナル・アルバムは5年ぶり! 昨年の結成10周年記念ソング“Monster”やその流れを継ぐ“Chase”などギラリ弾ける集団の勢いを核に、地元讃歌の“City Never Sleep”やガン上がりの“Wow Wow Wow”など、曲調は相当に賑やか。誰も欠くことなく10年を歩んできた6人の絆を歌う“Brother”でのグッとくるシメはちょっと反則だ。

[English Translation]

Being always active with lots of various topics like one of the members(YOUNG DAIS)acting debut/lead role in the movie [TOKYO TRIBE], Sapporo-based 6MC-unit N.C.B.B. has finally unveiled their first original album in 5 years! Such as their 10th anniversary song ”Monster” delivered last year and “Chase” following the same direction, this new album mainly demonstrates the blazing team power and also the versatile solid sounds as featured in the hometown-praise song “City Never Sleep” and super uplifting “Wow Wow Wow”. As being together for 10 years with no member changes or drop-outs at all, the 6 crew’s strong bond-themed ending track “Brother” is purely rule-breakingly heart-touching.