坂本龍一を師と仰ぎ、現代音楽の領域から映画やTV、あるいはMACHO ROBOTでのフロア志向、Cupitronやつりビットらアイドルの名裏方……と、経歴をつぶさに追うほどつかみどころがなくなりそうな才な人だが、ソロ名義のアルバムは実に7年ぶり。野宮真貴やボンジュール鈴木を迎えた先行カットでの渋谷系オマージュも軽く薫らせつつ、電子音やピアノの織り成す美しい銀河に坂本美雨や泉まくら、橋本一子(の朗読!)、Shing02、DJ OASISらの声を配している。教授への敬愛にしても(トーマス・ドルビーとの)“Field Work”をいま取り上げるセンスは絶妙に未来派。bo enとの勇壮なコラボやアート・リンゼイの歌う終曲は出色で、これまでの足取りを繋いで星座に浮かべながらまた別の側面も見せた傑作だ。
[English Translation]
Bajune Tobeta “TOKYO GALAXY”
Looking up to Ryuichi Sakamoto as a teacher, Bajune Tobeta has been working in the field of contemporary music, TV and film, creating dance floor-oriented music under the name of MACHO ROBOT, and actively working behind the scene to promote girl idol groups like Cupitron and TSURI×BIT. It seems that the more we know about his background, the more difficult it becomes to say who he is. The multitalented artist has released his first solo album in a good 7 years. While retaining a small Shibuya-kei homage presented on the advance release single featuring Maki Nomiya (former lead singer of PIZZICATO FIVE) and Bonjour Suzuki (singer song-writer, composer), he adorns the beautiful galaxy of piano and electric sounds with voices of Miu Sakamoto, Izumi Makura, Ichiko Hashimoto (in recitation!), Shing02 and DJ OASIS. His exquisite, futuristic sense of music is clearly evident in the selection of "Field Work" (featuring Thomas Dolby) this time around to show respect for Ryuichi Sakamoto. Including the spirit-stirring collaboration with bo en (London-based musicmaker) and the outstanding album closer sung by Arto Lindsay (American guitarist, singer, record producer and experimental composer), this wonderful topper, while transforming what he has done so far into stars floating in the galaxy, also shows another aspect of his music.
electric sheep