ワールドワイドな活動を続けるHPPの15周年記念作は、〈改変〉というタイトル通り、重量感や叙情性を増幅させ、現在進行形のものとして再提示したこれまでの代表曲や、エレクトロニクスをふんだんに採り入れて再構築したリミックスを中心に構成。また、壮絶な勢いで爆裂する重厚サウンドと共にANZAが咆哮する“Failed”や、強靭なグルーヴと美しいメロディーで迫る“All You Need”など3つの新曲も収録している。
[English Translation]
The 15th anniversary album of HEAD PHONES PRESIDENT epitomizes its title “alteration” as an international band who has been through many alterations increasing its full-bodiness and poetry. The album is mainly composed of past signature pieces reintroduced in its present progressive form and remixes reconstructed by lavishly introducing electronics. In addition, the album also comes with three brand new tracks, including “Failed” in which ANZA (vo.) roars along fiercely-exploding heavy-hitting sounds, or “All You Need” that stirs emotions with its strong groove and beautiful melodies.