自身の歌声も披露して新境地を拓いた前作から一転、3年ぶりのアルバムは初作『Satisfaction』(2006年)の収録曲をフェンダー・ローズのみで再演した、改めて己の音楽の本質と向き合うような作品に。どの楽曲もビートレスになったことで甘さと優雅さが強調され、疲れた心を解きほぐす効果もアップ。“Love Theme From Spartacus”といった名曲も、ローズの音色が空気にほどけていくようで、もはや恍惚の域に!

[English Translation]
Electronica / experimental / multi-talented artist INO hidefumi managed to mark a new beginning by the previous work featuring his vocals for the first time. 3 years from then, this latest demonstrates another new approach. Furnished with a collection of re-recorded tunes from his debut album “Satisfaction” (2006) played solely on his significant Fender Rhodes electronic piano, he seems to face afresh the essentiality of his own music. All tracks have gone beatless, which precisely seems to have enhanced their sweetness and gracefulness, also improving the healing properties to ease our spiritual wearies. The classic “Love Theme From Spartacus”, for example, heavenly unleashes the sound of Rhodes into the air, bringing the listener to an ecstatic state!