ミュージシャンからの支持も厚い、管楽器を含む6人組による実に9年ぶりの新作が到着。プログレ、ジャズ、フュージョンなどを横断する技巧的なバンド・アンサンブルがときにアーバンに、ときにエモーショナルに展開され、よりソウルフルになったヴォーカルと共に、〈After Midnight〉な朝焼けの多幸感を描き出す。ポスト・ロック世代はもちろん、cero吉田ヨウヘイgroupあたりが好きな若い人にもぜひ聴いてもらいたい。

[English Translation]
The sextet that includes some wind instruments and is greatly supported by other musicians, has released their first album in a good 9 years. The band’s artful ensembles that transcend music genres such as progressive rock, jazz, or fusion, play out sometimes in an urban manner, or sometimes rather emotionally, creating a morning glow-ish euphoric state of mind which comes precisely ‘After Midnight’ – as the title goes – accompanied with the vocals that have become even more soulful. An album strongly recommended not just to the post-rock generation, but also to the young people who favor acts of the likes of cero (Japanese pop band), Yoshida Yohei group (Japanese rock/pop band), and the like.