宮内優里YeYeLUCKY TAPESといった注目アクトを抱えるRALLYEが送り出した新顔は、元Open Reel Ensemble佐藤公俊難波卓己から成る電子音楽デュオ。この初作は制作に1年を費やしたということだが、冒頭“Glow”のアタマ数秒を聴けばそれも納得だ。なんて解像度の高い音! アナログ/モジュラー・シンセ主体で構築された本作は、モダンでありつつ、往時のテクノ、ひいてはクラウトロックの愛好者にも薦めたいエレクトロ・ポップ集。オーロラのように冷たく、かつ色彩感覚に溢れた波形をたなびかせるウワ音も、豊かなヴァリエーションで打たれるビートも実機ならではの生きた響きを帯びている。さらにはどの曲も肉体性が高く、インストも含めて雄弁。フロアでの機能性に加え、ヴォーカリストとしての圧倒的な力量を発揮したOBKRをはじめ、ico!Far Farm)やannie the clumsyといったゲスト参加の歌モノはインディーR&Bのリスナーにも間違いなく刺さるだろう。広く聴かれてほしい傑作だ。


[English Translation]
Mother Tereco make their debut with "Oracle" for RALLYE, a label whose roster includes notable acts such as Yuri Miyauchi, YeYe and LUCKY TAPES. The Japanese electronic music duo, comprised of Japanese musical group Open Reel Ensemble ex-members Kimitoshi Sato and Takumi Namba, reportedly spent a good year working on the album. You’ll see it was well worth it once you just hear the first few seconds of its opening track, "Glow," which takes your breath away with an astonishing HD sound. Mainly composed with analog synths and modulars, "Oracle" is a collection of electro-pop gems, modern yet recommendable to connoisseurs of oldie techno or even krautrock. From buoyant synth billowing in the chill swell of auroral hues to a variety of beat programming, all sound here takes on the unadulterated sonic characteristics of the analogue hardware. On top of that, every tune feels highly physical and expressive be it songs or instrumental tracks. Besides this functional feature for the dance floor, the album will surely strikes a chord among underground R&B listeners thanks to its songs featuring guests such as composer/singer/producer OBKR, who demonstrates his overwhelming singing prowess, as well as ico! of electric pop band Far Farm and singer-songwriter annie the clumsy. This is a stellar album that truly deserves a wide audience.