ライやハウ・トゥ・ドレス・ウェルとも比較される91年生まれの男性デュオが初EPを発表。流麗なストリングスと中性的なファルセットが妖しく戯れる本作は、近年のLAビート・シーン周辺の歌モノ作品とも連ねて聴けそうなベッドルームR&B集。アンビエントな音響を官能性へと結び付けるミックスは、YOSUKEKOTANIと同じくIllicit Tsuboiが担当。Lady Citizenらのリミックスも含め、全編を確固たる美学が貫く逸品だ。
[English Translation]
The male duo (of which both members were born in 1991 and are) often compared to Rhye or How To Dress Well, have just released their first EP. The liquid flowing strings glamorously flirts with the gender-neutral falsetto, making the piece a perfect bedroom R&B selection that would join the likes of the vocal tunes well seen in the recent LA beat scene. Directly in charge of the mixing was Illicit Tsuboi, the prodigy of Japanese hip hop, also known for lately doing the mix for YOSUKEKOTANI (member of electro-pop band HARVARD and AVALON)’s first album, "ANYWHERE". In this EP in particular, the mix is dispensed in a way that ties the ambient acousmato to sensuality. Including the remix of Lady Citizen etc., there is a clear-cut aesthetic running through from the beginning to the end of this excellent item.