昨年の大晦日から行われた、ハロー!プロジェクトを中心とするカウントダウン・ライヴがDVD3枚組(BDは2枚組)で登場! 研修生から堀内孝雄まで振り幅も凄いですが、やはり観どころはその夜限りの復活劇の数々。例の5人娘。(衣装が!)を筆頭に、メロン記念日太陽とシスコムーン美勇伝GAM 、ガーディアンズ4まで出演する全78曲。松浦亜弥の傑出した余裕にも痺れます。


[English Translation]
Hello! Project  "Hello!Project COUNTDOWN PARTY 2013 GOOD BYE & HELLO!"

A 3 DVD disc set (or 2 discs for Blu-ray set) of last year’s New Year’s Eve countdown live led by the Hello! Project team! The incredible diversity of participants ranging from the young ‘trainees’ of the group to star musician Takao Horiuchi is a must-see already, but the greatest high-lights would be the numerous one-night reunions of the legendary units. Heading the bill is the get-together of the ‘platinum’ 5 girls (Ai Takahashi, Risa Niigaki, Sayumi Michishige, Reina Tanaka and Aika Mitsui), followed by Melon Kinenbi, Taiyo to Ciscomoon, Biyuden, GAM and Guardians 4, performing a total of 78 songs altogether. Aya Matsuura (nicknamed Ayaya) and her outstanding self-composure is spectacularly kicking!

【関連動画】(10分35秒より)「Hello!Project COUNTDOWN PARTY 2013 GOOD BYE & HELLO!」の一部