近年はエッジーなダンス・ミュージックを多く発表してきた彼らの新作は、どこか懐かしいサウンド・デザインに。ファンキーなアレンジが心地良い“Good time”や、胸キュン必至のスウィートなアーバン・ポップ“Make you mine”など名曲揃いですが、エリック・べネイカヴァー“夢で逢えるのに~Sometimes I Cry~”で聴かせる慶太の力強いファルセットも圧巻! タイトル通り、時代を超越して愛される作品の誕生です。

[English Translation]
In contrary to the edgy dance music tunes they have been releasing most lately, this newest release from this dance&vocal unit w-inds. is delivered with a somewhat nostalgic sound design. The tracks list consists of quality tunes such as "Good time", a track fixed with pleasantly funky arrangements or sweet urban pop "Make you mine" that is bound to make your heart skip a beat, but then at the same time, the listener is also entertained with a powerful falsetto by Keita on "Yume de Aerunoni ~Sometimes I Cry~", the impressive cover of Eric Benet's hit. As he title speaks for itself, here we have a masterpiece that will be treasured timelessly.