


純然たるオリジナル・アルバムとしては2009年の『4U』ぶり。しかもその間には解散と再結成を経ているため〈待望の復活作〉と言ってもいいだろう。これまではジャズソウルを吸収したループ・ミュージックを打ち出してきた彼らだが、再始動にあたってサウンドの幅を一気に拡張。IZPONKINGDOM☆AFROCKS)をヴォーカリストに迎えたクンビア曲“bonita”や、灼熱のアフロ・ファンク・チューン“Fight against Fight”、さらにはURが乗り移ったようなデトロイト・テクノ調の“Patchwork Jazz”……と次々に新機軸が展開される。彼ら最大の武器である変幻自在なグルーヴはそのままに、バンドの新たな姿を伸び伸びと描写。これはcro-magnon史上最高傑作でしょう! 


[English Translation]
This would be the release of the first 'genuine' original album since their last album "4U", released in 2009, in which the meantime, the band has gone through disbanding and reuniting, so it is not too much to regard this latest piece as the 'long-awaited revival album'. They had previously been known to emphasize on loop music, absorbing the flavours of jazz or soul, but this time as they restart, they seem to have expanded the diversity of their sounds significantly. The album rapidly demonstrates new innovations one after another, including racks such as "bonita", the Cumbia tune welcoming IZPON (percussionist/producer/DJ, current member of afro-beat band, KINGDOM☆AFROCKS) as the vocalist, the burning afro funk tune "Fight against Fight" or the Detroit techno styled "Patchwork Jazz" that sounds as if the band had been possessed by UR (Underground Resistance)…  Keeping their key weapon, the ever-changing groove, unchanged, the band freely and openly expresses themselves in the new dimension. This is easily the all-time best-of-the-best work from cro-magnon!