“JUNJI TAKADA”“iPhon5”に代表されるノヴェルティー・ソング的な軽み、ノリで生きるカッコ良さ……ミックステープや膨大な客演などで彼のイメージを積み重ねてきた人ほど、この初作に渦巻く率直さに驚くかもしれない。理貴や夢幻SQUADを核とするビート群はチルウェイヴ風のジャケにも通じるベッドルーム感覚の夢色にトーンを統一され、力を抜いて揺らぐ主役のフロウは、低温の奥にある熱や昂りをこれまでになく切実にさらしている。いろんな意味でドープなOMSB製の“Drugs”、切なくディープな“I'm Dreamin'”、再収録となるI-DeAとの“Love”など楽曲単位でも聴きどころは多く、言い切るまで歌い続けたら10分を超えたような長尺曲にも引き込まれる。そんな不調法さも含めて、これが今の名盤。
[English Translation]
Almost turning over his fixed images such as 'novelty song-ish lightness' or 'easy going coolness' as openly represented in the past works "JUNJI TAKADA" or "iPhon5", the pre-eminent rapper KOHH's 1st full-length release may come as a surprise especially for the avid followers of his mixtapes and numerous guest appearances at recordings or performances as the piece literally swirls with his straight honesty. Joined forces with the bunch of outstanding track makers starring Riki and Mugen SQUAD as a core, all the beats are uniformly tinted with bedroom-sort of dreamy tones as suggestively exhibited in the 'chillwavy' CD jacket. And the main part, his superbly relaxed swinging flow exposes the hidden passion and excitement deeply inside his trademark 'low temperature' attitude more than ever. Containing the fabulous tracks such as OMSB-produced, dope-in-many-ways "Drugs", deep and heartrending "I'm Dreamin", or "Love (feat. SEQUICK)" (produced and previously recorded in the album by I-DeA and also) re-included in this album, as well as some 'quasi' long songs (would take over 10 minutes to completely finish the ones), the album comes off as partly clumsy yet irresistibly intriguing, - a real masterpiece of the present.