SIMONやSALU、DJ RYOWらとのコラボで太字のパンチラインを連発し、不遜なカッコ良さを振り撒いてきた洒落者がついに己の代表作を作り出した。大半をJIGGが手掛け、KOHH & MONY HORSEとダーティー・マインド全開な“プリンス”から、リリカルに強がるラヴソング“I Don't Need Ya...”、亡父に捧げる“Oyaji”など主題も多様な逸曲が並ぶ。Kiano JonesやOMSBらの参加もあり、期待に余裕で応えるイキな快作!
[English Translation]
Well known for his trademark charmingly audacious coolness and literally bold, non-stop punchline deliveries in the numerous collaborations with fellow MCs and DJs such as SIMON, SALU, DJ RYOW, the superlative new type rapper/trendsetter Y'S has finally completed another marvelous full-length album of his own. Mostly produced by JIGG, the collection is filled with various themed outstanding tunes including "Prince (feat. KOHH & MONY HORSE)" with 'Dirty Mind (referring to the 3rd album by American super artist Prince)' at full-throttle, the lyrical-bluffing love song "I Don't Need Ya...", or "Oyaji"dedicated to his late father. In conjunction with strong guest stars as Kiano Jones or OMSB, this fashionably fabulous piece goes far beyond your high standard expectations!