徴兵による母国・韓国への一時帰国を経て2014年に再来日。実名を挙げてラッパーたちに警鐘を鳴らしたビートジャック曲“Fight Club(Control Remix)”を春に発表すると、一躍数々のアンサーとファンの議論を呼び、その動向にさらなる目が注がれたMOMENT。韓国語でも、LAで培った英語でもなく、日本語でラップすることを選んだ彼の初フィジカル作は、先の話題や異色な背景のみに目を向けているといい意味で意表を突かれる、肩の力の抜けたスタイルも魅力の一枚に。Jinmenusagi、SNEEEZEとの“SH! B@L NOM REMIX”などでの英語の発音に似た流暢なフロウもさることながら、“LUTHIEN”で見せる微温ヴォーカルがメロディーの才と相まり、何より心地良い仕上がりだ。
[English Translation]
MOMENT, the Korean rapper, returned to Japan after going back to his home country Korea temporarily for conscription. Having released in spring, the beat-jacking track “Fight Club (Control Remix)” that sent warning against rappers using real names, he received a lot of answer songs and sparked controversy among fans, and his movements became a focus of attention. Not Korean or the LA-acquired English, MOMENT chose Japanese as the language to rap in this first physical work, which makes the album come with surprise should one be focused on the already-mentioned circumstances or his unique background. The laid back casual style also makes this album a fascinating piece of work. Aside from his fluent flows that sound like English on “SH! B@L NOM REMIX” performed with two MCs; Jinmenusagi and SNEEEZE, his lukewarm vocals on “LUTHIEN” combines perfectly with the well-crafted melody, giving the piece a pleasantly cozy touch.