初作『DECORATION』以降も意欲的な活動の目立つMCが、昨年のコンセプト作を挿み、より精度を上げた2作目を発表。SALU参加のトラップ曲“Selfie”、叙情的なピアノ・ソロにラップを乗せた“0”、エモさが群を抜く“アリとキリギリス”、最多の4曲を手掛けたANNE Beatsによるバウンシーなビートの数々など、先鋭性を深めつつ幅を持たせた音楽性が秀逸。もちろん主役のラップはどのトラックも乗りこなしていて最高!
[English Translation]
KLOOZ, an MC who aggressively continues his music activities also after the first album "DECORATION," has released the second album of higher quality following the conceptual mini album last year. Including "Selfie," a trap tune featuring Japanese rapper SALU, "0," in which he raps on a lyrical piano solo, "Ari to Kirigirisu (meaning The Ant and the Grasshopper)," whose emo-ness is preeminent, and 4 bouncy beat tunes by ANNE Beats, Japanese beatmaker who penned the largest number of songs this time, the album shows a wide spectrum of music with enhanced cutting edge-ness. Of course, his rapping, the main feature of the album, flows nicely on each track, making it absolutely awesome!