オオカミVSシマウマによるライヴ・バンド頂上決戦的なスプリット盤。MWAMは雄大な景色が立ち上がる“The Cure”、ゼブラヘッドはシンガロング必至なポップ・パ ンク“Blue Light Special”など各々から2曲と、高速ラップ、暴れ狂うエレクトロニクス、血湧き肉踊るラウド・サウンドといった両者の武器が絡み合った共作“Out of Control”の全5曲を収録。聴けばテンションが制御不能だし、制御不要 かと。派手に暴れろ!

[English Translation]

A split album like a showdown between the two top live bands, ‘wolves’ versus ‘zebras’. Including MWAM's "The Cure," which lays out an expansive scenery, and Zebrahead's "Blue Light Special," a pop punk which will surely make you sing along, the album includes 5 tracks, two from each band and one collaborative track "Out of Control," in which the two bands' key weapons of high-speed rapping, rampaging electronics, and blood-tingling loud sound intervolve. Listening to it will make you go out of control, and there is no need to control yourself anyway. Mosh like crazy!