自主レーベルからのアルバム第3弾。ミズノマリ(paris match)が艶やかに歌い上げる“I'll remember”、榊原香保里(Lamp)のウィスパー・ヴォイスとボッサ調のメロディーが爽快感抜群な“coffee bossa”など、夏へのトキメキを感じさせる瑞々しい楽曲が勢揃い。さらには、スペイシーなウワモノを注入した“あの素晴らしい愛をもう一度”のEDMアレンジも収録と、洒脱で陽気な音世界には思わず笑みがこぼれるほど! この煌めき感がナイス!
[English Translation]
The third album from his own label. “life is music 3” lines up fresh and juicy tracks that come with exciting feelings of summer, such as "I'll remember" sung by Mari Mizuno (vocal of Japanese musical group, paris match)'s burnished voice, or "coffee bossa" featuring the totally refreshing whispering voice by Kaori Sakakibara (vocal of Japanese pop band Lamp) and bossa nova-flavored melodies. Also included is an EDM arrangement of the Japanese well‐loved old song "Ano Subarasii Aiwo Mouichido (Eng: I Want that Wonderful Love Again) " with spacy overdub sounds injected. You can't help smiling when you get into the refined, lively musical world! Fabulous splendor!
ryo fukawa、paris matchのミズノマリやLampの榊原香保里ら迎え夏へのトキメキを感じさせる瑞々しい楽曲揃えた新作