デビューから早1年。agehaspringsが送り出した麗しきデュオの初アルバム。HINAがかつて在籍していたTomato n'Pineのサウンド観も継承しつつ手の内を広げてきたシングル群から想像できたように、レトロチックなポップス“Hurly-Burly”や初のバラード“Spilt Milk”が並ぶ新曲群のクォリティーも上々。エモーショナルなヴォーカルとも相まって独特の体温を伝える楽曲たちは、塊になるとホント隙ナシで!
[English Translation]
Already a year since their debut, the 1st full-length album from Faint★Star, the beauteous girls duo by HINA and YURIA, has been released, produced by the eminent music creators team, agehasprings. Keeping the basic sound line of idol unit Tomato n'Pine (HINA’s former band) while expanding the scope, as the past fabulous singles indicated, the latest release delivers high-quality new songs such as retro-ish pop “Hurly-Burly” and very first ballad “Spilt Milk”. Combined with the emotional vocals, each and every track fully transmits a distinguished body temperature and as a whole, the album absolutely flawless with no room for doubt!
Faint Star Tokyo