約1年ぶりの4作目は、喜怒哀楽すべてをブチ込んだように大胆な曲構成とエモいメロディーで駆け抜ける“Meaning of Existence”やダンスに特化した“Party Boys”など爆発力の高い曲はもちろん、中盤のミディアム“Gratitude”あたりの〈ポップス〉な手触りの楽曲(と言っても彼ららしい派手さは健在!)も印象的。大型フェスから各地のライヴハウスまで、会場に強烈な一体感(=Feeling of Unity)を生み出すであろう全11曲だ。
[English Translation]
Their fourth album marking the first release in about a year. “Meaning of Existence” sprints along with its emo melody and bold song structure into which they pumped all emotions, the dance number “Party Boys” has an explosive impact, and a very impressive, medium tempo pop-feeling number “Gratitude” – though their showiness still remains – awaits in the middle of the album. This 11-track collection will bring poignant ‘Feeling of Unity’ to audiences anywhere from large-scale music festivals to local venues.