こういうティーンにブッ飛ばされたいんです! GIORGIO CANCEMIの秘蔵っ子が初のフル・アルバムにていよいよメジャー・デビュー。ファッション方面での活躍や同性支持の高さも頷けるヴィジュアルの華は言わずもがな、斬れ味鋭いラップのアクの強さはアジーリア・バンクス2NE1を連想させる実力派ぶり。そこからスイッチ自在に繰り出される歌声の力強い美しさにも惚れます。AYUSE KOZUEとの再コラボも収録!

[English Translation]
TANAKA ALICE is the kind of teen I want to be sent spinning by! GIORGIO CANCEMI, the music producer’s cherished minion finally makes her major debut with her first full album. The visual aspect of this album is glamorous which is no surprise given her fame in fashion and her charisma among girls, but her razor sharp and fiercely unique rap shows real skills that are reminiscent of Azealia Banks and 2NE1. The powerful beauty of her voice that can freely be switched on and off is something one may easily fall for. Re-collaboration with AYUSE KOZUE the singer song-writer is also included!