『UrbanBowl Mixcity』を放ったDJ SCRATCH NICEが、そこでも共作した16FLIPと手を組んだビート・アルバム。同作のインストに各々の新たなトラックを加えつつ、ソウルフルなサンプリングのワンループをキモとした切れ目ない作風には、互いのセンスの共有がまざまざと。シンセのベースが声ネタと併せてテンションを煽る“LOUDER”や、キックの音色がアクセントとして利いた“BK6”など全16曲。

[English Translation]
After releasing “UrbanBowl Mixcity,” the collaborative album with ISSUGI, DJ SCRATCH NICE joined forces with 16FLIP, who also appeared in the same album to bring out their new beat album, “B'KLYN Instrumentals.” This new album contains tunes from “UrbanBowl Mixcity” made instrumental, along with new numbers from each artist. The mutual respect to each other’s musical taste is clearly demonstrated in their mono-loop sample-based music style which plays seamlessly and soulfully. The album is comprised of 16 tracks including “LOUDER,” with the flame-fanning synth bass and vocal samples, and “BK6,” whose bass drum sound spices up the entire song.