nouvo nudeドラムンベース曲で歌ってもいた人で、先だっては〈SXSW〉出演も果たすなど海外での評価が高い大阪出身のシンガー・ソングライターだ。今作は入手困難なEP収録曲をまとめた初の国内流通盤にして初のフル・アルバム。ノラ・ジョーンズ以降の〈ジャズ〉感覚をたおやかなカントリー・タッチで表現しており、安直に説明するなら〈ラリー・クライン制作の〜〉と言われても信じてしまえる感じ。ちょっと問答無用だ。

[English Translation]
Internationally reputed singer-songwriter from Osaka, Mayu Wakisaka is known for proudly putting on a stage at the latest SXSW, and also known as the singer on the drum’n’bass pieces of the legendary unit, nouvo nude, known most famously for their tracks contributed to the KONAMI game, ‘beatmania’. This latest release is her first ever full-length album, compiling her past hard-to-get EP recorded tracks, surprisingly being distributed domestically for the first time. She gracefully portrays the post-Norah Jones jazz effects with a light country tone, pretty agreeable to her music being described as, easily put, ‘produced by Larry Klein’. No argument whatsoever, just have a go.