ももいろクローバーZ 『白金の夜明け』 EVIL LINE(2016)

前作『5TH DIMENSION』の大作感を推し進めるかのように、3年ぶりのアルバムはそれぞれが〈生と死〉と〈ファンタジー〉をテーマにした対となる連作に。堂本剛やグレッグ・カースティン、清竜人、前山田健一、Tom-H@ckら参加アーティストの顔ぶれだけでも圧巻だが、キッスやRevoらの提供した先行シングルをモノにすることでスケール感を増した歌声とその表現力が、大仰なコンセプトにも余裕で順応していて凄い!

[English Translation]
Momoiro Clover Z’s Amaranthus / Hakkin no Yoake

As if to further the epic quality of the last album 5th Dimension, their new albums, the first in 3 years, come as a pair with the themes of ‘life and death’ and ‘fantasy’ respectively. The lineup of artists involved in making the album is amazing, such as Tsuyoshi Domoto (Japanese male idol), Greg Kurstin, Ryujin Kiyoshi (Japanese singer and songwriter), Kenichi Maeyamada (Japanese composer, lyricist, and musician also known as Hyadain) and Tom-H@ck (Japanese musician and composer). Moreover, they have scaled up their singing and performing ability by mastering the lead singles produced by Kiss and Revo (Japanese musician and producer), making the album fit well with the big-sounding concepts!