来年20周年を迎えるトリオの新作はいつになくオープンな空気に包まれている気がする。それは従来にないほど多彩なゲストが集ったせいかも。テクノ・ポップ色も交えた中村一義とのデュエット曲“つながっている”、U-zhaanのタブラが静かに響く“知らない街へ行こう”、NONA REEVESの奥田健介を迎えたニューミュージック調の“マスターの珈琲”など躊躇いなく〈新境地〉と言える曲揃い。今日の彼らは昨日よりもずっと若い。
[English Translation]
Kukikodan "Double"
With its 20th anniversary approaching next year, the well-established pop-rock trio’s newest particularly gives a certain sense of openness this time, possibly because of the guest artists creating a more colorful lineup than ever before. Featuring the tunes such as the techno pop-inspired duet with Kazuyoshi Nakamura “Tsunagatteiru (meaning Connected)”, U-zhaan’s tranquil tabla sound-filled “Shiranai Machi e Iko (meaning Let`s Go to the Unknown Town)”, or a new music*-ish tune “Master** no Coffee” with Kensuke Okuda (guitarist of pop/rock band NONA REEVES), the latest album can readily be described as their
*New Music: A fusion of folk, rock and pop typified by singer-songwriters-sort of music which peaked in the mid 70’s-80’s in Japan
**Master: Coffee shop/bar managers are sometimes called `master’ in Japan, as in the song title