昨年、新生KIRINJIに加入したコトリンゴ。そんな新しい経験を経て取り組んだ新作では、自身のバンド・メンバー、村田シゲ□□□)、神谷洵平赤い靴)をサポートに迎えて、彼女が弾くピアノや囁くような歌声が軽やかに舞う。繊細に作り込まれたサウンドや美しいメロディーに磨きがかかるなか、AOKI takamasaがリズム・トラックを提供したナンバーが新鮮。まさに彼女のコアな魅力が詰まったアルバムだ。


[English Translation]
kotringo "birdcore!"

Last year marked another milestone for singer-songwriter kotringo who joined the reborn idyllic Japanese band, KIRINJI. Following such new and fresh experiences, this latest release is nicely packed with her delicate piano and whispering vocals fluttering throughout the album, welcoming the assuring support from members of her own band, Shige Murata also of pop unit Kuchiroro, and drummer Jumpei Kamiya also performing in pop unit Akaikutsu. The meticulously produced sounds and angelic melodies are well honed, amongst which, the track which internationally known electronica artist AOKI takamasa created the rhythm track for, stands out with pure newness. A piece full of her core magic.