本人名義の6作目は、鋭利に研ぎ澄まされていた前作から一転、メランコリックで詩情に富んだ仕上がりに。円熟味を増した詞は、虚実をない混ぜにした物語とその登場人物たちを通して、哀しくも美しい世界を描き出す。この語り口こそ、彼の詩人としての真骨頂! 今回は鍵盤とプログラミングでも楽曲の雰囲気を引き立てていて、“紙飛行機”や“君をさがす”など、ピアノが切々と響くミディアムが特に良い。


[English Translation]
Kenichi Asai "Nancy"

Highly recognized rock icon for various successful projects Kenichi Asai presents his sixth solo album. Contrary to the razor-sharp previous release the new one is full of both melancholy and poetry. With a blend of fictional/nonfictional plot and its characters his more matured lyrics generate a sad but beautiful world yet most importantly his signature outstanding poetic storytelling makes that possible! The keyboard playing and clever programming create the exquisite atmosphere of the tunes listed on this album, especially the brilliant medium-tempo piano tunes "Kami Hikoki (meaning Paper Plane)" and "Kimi wo Sagasu (meaning Looking for You)" that effectually contribute to the masterpiece.