好調のPlaywrightが送り出す新たな刺客は、グループ名からして賑やかな様子が伝わってくる、スティールパン担当の25人にドラマーやパーカッショニストを加えた大所帯バンドだ。このファースト・アルバムはスティーヴィー・ワンダー“Sir Duke”のカヴァーをはじめ、トリニダード・トバゴのカーニヴァル音楽とポップスの要素を融合したインストを軸に、全12曲で構成されている。柔らかな男声をフィーチャーした“Toripso”ではオールド・スタイルなカリプソに挑んでみたり、童謡“小さな空”のリメイクでは日本の侘び寂びを表現してみたり、変化をつけながらリスナーを自分たちの世界に引き込んでいく構成力も凄い。梅雨明けが待ち遠しくなる耳通り爽やかな南国ミュージックは、ここにありますよ!
[English Translation]
The new 'thug' sent out from the currently-riding-the-wave label Playwright (known as the label of popular jazzy music duo, orange pekoe, or young and energetic piano trio, fox capture plan), has a name that easily conveys the bustling air of the group (, the term 'waiwai' in Japanese is used to express the buzz of a number of people or a large group etc.), - a pretty large establishment consisting of 25 steel pan players and several other drummers and percussionists. This first album is composed of a total of 12tracks, mainly instrumental tunes fusing carnival music of Trinidad and Tobago with pops elements, including tracks such as a cover of Stevie Wonder's "Sir Duke". "Toripso" is a track venturing into old-style calypso that features soft male vocals, where on the other hand there is the remake of the Japanese nursery rhyme "Chiisana Sora (meaning Small Sky)" expressing the Japanese 'wabi-sabi' (often explained as 'frugality & patina' or 'austere refinement and quiet simplicity'), - their ability to construct a piece luring the listeners into their world by offering exciting variety is simply amazing. If you are in need of any easy-to-the-ear and fresh tropical music that welcomes the official end of rainy season, look no further!