これまでにノイ!やESGにオマージュしてきたアイドル・グループがフル・アルバムを発表。ビースティ・ボーイズ風のパンク・ロック×ラップな“Majiwaranai CAts”をはじめ、NYの香りを放つ音楽的引用が多数で唸らされる。サビ頭の〈地獄みたい〉というフレーズが印象的な“逃げろ!!”、アニマル・コレクティヴばりの混淆としたサイケデリアを見せる“たびのしたく”あたりはこの先何年も聴かれ続けるであろう名曲。
[English Translation]
You'll Melt More! "Unforgettable Final Odyssey"
The first full-album to be released from this idol group who in the past is known to have paid homage to German rock band NEU! and later to the New York legendary girls band ESG. Including the Beastie Boys-ish punk rock×rap tune "Majiwaranai CAts", the album is impressively scattered with numerous musical references that gives off the sweet aroma of NY. Tracks such as "Nigero!! (meaning Run (Away)!!)" with the mind-sticking chorus-starting phrase "Jigoku mitai (meaning (This Is) Like Hell)" or "Tabi no Shitaku (meaning Preparations for a Trip)" revealing an Animal Collective-like mingled psychedelia are destined to become classics that will be played for many years to come.