ブロステップハーフステップ流れの容赦ない重低音が炸裂する本作でCDデビューを果たした彼もまた、MaltineTREKKIE TRAXといったネット・レーベル発の作品で鍛錬を積んできた俊英。メロディアスな側面が強調されたLASTorderとのユニット、The Wedding Mistakesでも活動中です。 




[English Translation]
The underground musician/DJ, Miii has already counted more than 10 years of his career since the coterie debut from the early days of the internet label Maltine under the name dust.c (but believe or not, he's still 22 years old!). This genius from Tokyo who lately worked as the remixer for the five-membered dance&vocal girls group TOKYO GIRLS STYLE, has finally released an 'overground' mini-album, first time in solo. From the various cards he possesses, he has compiled this album mainly around gallows metallic bass tunes, much in the line of the "Rabbitbass", the title track of his previous EP release. The mini-album consists of 8 tracks, each of which the beautiful melody lines spills out from between the jarring and deep-surging vibrations, as is seen typically in the romantically unfurling track, "Noah".