

[English Translation]
Natsumi Abe  "Smile..."

Natsumi Abe aka Nacchi, a former member of the girls' pop group Morning Musume。, released a new album after four years since the last one. The self-cover album which is a collection of new versions of her own previous songs, celebrates the 10th anniversary of her going solo. The songs that were released after she became a solo artist are mainly featured, but Morning Musume-era numbers such as "Senkou Hanabi (meaning Sparklers)" and "Furusato (meaning Home)" are also picked up. Throughout the whole album, all tracks are arranged in an acoustic style with organic taste. Some songs like "Sweet Holic" which makes you feel vaguely nostalgic as if you are on a journey, or "Toumorokoshi to Sora to Kaze (meaning The Corn and the Sky and Wind)" in a country-music manner, will give you a little surprise with a kind of twist. Looking forward to her original album next time!