この暗黒系グルーヴは鳥肌モノ。〈SonarSound Tokyo〉や〈FREEDOMMUNE 0〉に出演した、ベルリンと東京を拠点とする才媛が3作目をドロップ。ミステリアスなヴォイス・サンプルとダビーなミニマル・ビートが脳を揺らす“Lined Up”や、無機質なノイズ、トリッキーなビート、パーカッションの乱れ打ちが一体となって襲い来る“Piezo Version Vision”など、カオティックでインテリジェンスな強烈トラックの嵐に撃沈!
[English Translation]
The dark space groove of this piece will definitely give you the chill bumps. Travelling back and forth Tokyo and Berlin and making appearances in both SonarSound Tokyo and FREEDOMMUNE 0, Kyoka has released her 3rd full-length album. Mysterious voice samples and dubby minimal beats makes the brain go swaying in "Lined Up", where in "Piezo Version Vision", inorganic noises, tricky beats and disordered percussion all come together to pounce on the listeners. Those who aren't prepared for these blow-after-blow tracks of chaos and intelligence will easily be sunk into the ring!