絶賛で迎えられた復活作のリミックス集は、FragmentをホストにやけのはらやAmetsub、BO NINGENのTaigen Kawabe、ネット・シーンで活躍する気鋭の才能までが集結したカッティング・エッジな一枚に。楽曲のミニマリズムを抽出し、ディープな音像を浮かび上がらせる手腕はそれぞれ個性的ながら、downyらしいゴシック寄りのムードにしっかり貫かれている。エレクトロニックなテイストの新曲“十六月”も収録。
[English Translation]
downy The Fifth Portfolio "Untitled" Remix Album
Their long-awaited comeback is heralded with an alleluia remix collection, collected up by the track-making duo, Fragment, and featuring an exciting lineup of artists including DJ and rapper, Yakehonara, Tokyo-residing electronica artist, Ametsub, Taigen Kawabe from London based Japanese rock band, BO NINGEN and many other upcoming freshers seeing a rise in the cyber space, making the album a crackingly cutting-edge piece of artwork. The techniques and skills attempting to etch the deepest soundscapes and extract the minimalism elements of each track are each different and unique, but the goth mood the band is prominently known for is soundly maintained throughout the collection. The new electronic flavored track "Juurokugatsu (meaning the sixteenth month)" is much worth a listen.