関西を拠点にエクスペリメンタルな才能を次々と発掘し続ける新興レーベル、Wood Frameが4組目にして海外のアーティストを……と思いきや、今回もやはり日本人アーティスト。ベルリンでも活動するDJ Soybeansと、その別名義のSchwarz Brotchenを逆輸入的にご紹介。かの地で鳴らされていたインダストリアルかつアシッドな音塊はとにもかくにも強烈。レーベルの今後も含め、この周辺は要注目です。

[English Translation]
The up and coming label based in the west of Japan, Wood Frame continues to discover new talents with an experimental edge. For their fourth artist, expectation rose for an overseas artist… but they ended up with a Japanese artist again. However DJ Soybeans and its alias Schwarz Brotchen are based in Berlin, making this something like a reimportation. Schwartz Brotchen / DJ Soybeans make an intense sound with a mix of industrial and also acid sounds. Including the future of the label, this is a scene you cannot miss.