岩手出身の若きトラックメイカーがアルバム・デビュー。Jinmenusagiの『胎内』にて多くのビートを提供し、daokoもプロデュースするなどLOW HIGH WHO?ではよく見た名前だが、一方ではTREKKIE TRAXからEPを出していたり、つまりはイマっぽい評価軸の連なりを跨ぐ才人なのだ。今作は全編インストで、EPの延長線上にあるジュークゴルジェから大ぶりなLA系ビーツまでを自在に披露。純粋な興味の広がった流行絵図のよう!

[English Translation]
SNS” is the debut album from DubbyMaple, a young beatmaker from Iwate prefecture.  DubbyMaple is a well-known name in the LOW HIGH WHO? label world, as he has contributed several beats to Jinmenusagi’s “Tainai” album and produced daoko, the Japanese girl rapper.  He has also released an EP on TREKKIE TRAX, proving that he is a clever producer that straddles the most cutting edge sounds. This release is all instrumentals and is an extension of his EP.  He takes influences from juke, gorge, and LA beats on this album that is much like a popular illustration of his pure and broad interests.
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【参考音源】TREKKIE TRAXよりリリースしたDubbyMapleの2014年のEP『Path Of The Bass EP』