Seiho率いるDay Tripperの新年最初のリリースは、マドリード在住の日本人ビートメイカーによる初作。チョップしたヴォーカルが中毒性の高いトラッピン・キラー“Crazy”、浮遊するビートとファルセットが心地良く響くインディーR&B風の“Feel 4 U”など、ベース・ミュージックを起点にした多様なシンセ・サウンドを聴かせる才能は、内外のレーベルが争奪戦を繰り広げたという逸話に相応しい大物感を匂わせます。

[English Translation]
The first record released in 2015 from the record label Day Tripper led by Seiho (beatmaker/DJ/VJ), is the first album by YYIOY, the Japanese beatmaker based in Madrid. As in the trippin’ killer tune "Crazy" of which the chopped vocals are highly addictive, or the indie R&B-ish tune "Feel 4 U" where the ambient beats and falsetto sound smooth and heavenly, his talent of delivering versatile synth sounds originally derived from bass music is an evidence to his legend that record labels within Japan and abroad fought over the signing of this artist, -an incident that implies how much an A-lister YYIOY may be.