ニコニコ動画で注目を集めたUSはニューヨーク州出身のバイリンガル・シンガーが放つ3作目。英詞を自在に操る卓越した歌唱力はもちろんのこと、前作で広がりを見せた楽曲の幅をさらに突き詰めて磨き抜き、MY FIRST STORYとのコラボで話題となった“SAVIOR OF SONG”を筆頭に、そもそもの魅力である骨太なUSロック色を強化した一枚に仕上がった。ラウド・ミュージック・フリークはぜひ聴くべき!
[English Translation]
nano "Rock on."
Third album from the bilingual singer from New York, known from her appearance on Niconico (the video streaming site) is released. Singing lyrics in flawless English, not to mention her excellent voice, her range of artistry known from her previous album has shown further refinement. Headed by the track "SAVIOR OF SONG" that created a buzz with the collaboration with MY FIRST STORY, the Japanese rock band, this new album turns out to be a piece that reinforces her signature bold US rock taste. A must listen album for fans of loud music!